1. What made you start drawing graffiti?
My first contact with graffiti art was in 2007, when i was i related with a really crackbrained girl. One evening, she packed some cans and took me to the abandoned halls of an old assembly yard.
There were all kinds of pictures and writings on the walls, from ugly tags up to amazing masterpieces. It was new to me, it was forbidden and it was fun. I watched her working on a piece, then grabbed a can and wrote some slogans... i cant decribe how great it felt. The smell of fresh paint, the danger of getting caught and that great feeling of being alive out there in the night, while other people are sleeping and dreaming their little dreams - all that left an impression that big, i had no chance to get away from graffiti ever again.
The next days and weeks, i felt like i had been blind until then - graffiti was like everywhere i just hadnt payed attention before - i d been blind for it. Now i cant walk the streets without recognizing every new tag, piece or stencil.
2. Who taught you? Are you self-taught?
That crazy girl taught me just the basics, she wasnt that much into graffiti and just had started it few month ago. I met a lot of funny interesting people these days, and everyone of them had another more or less helpfull advice. But the best advice i got was "Sit down, sketch, have fun." And thats what i did.
I sat, i sketched and i had fun. A lot. More and more. By now, I can (and do) spend whole days on sketching a single word or cutting out a detailed stencil.
3. What's your artist name or street name?
My artist name is CL.SR, or CLSR1. It actually is the short form of "CLOSER", wich i quickly first changed into CLOS'R, then into CL.SR.
The more we all try daring to get closer to our fellow men, the less fighting there will be. Among many other things, art is about bringing people closer together.
4. Do you have any pictures I can post on my blog?
Sure, i will upload some the next days and send you the links.
5. How long did it take you to become so good?
Took me more than two years of almost daily practice, until i got confidend and started to work on my own style. But its never good enough. Ever. So i have to go on, trying to improve with every line i draw.
6. What advice would you give to a beginner like me?
Advice 1: Screw expensive tools. Get any piece of paper and a cheap pen and just start scribbling what you want.
Advice 2: Sit down, sketch, have fun.
Advice 3: Dont listen to advices.
7. How long does it take you to draw a piece?
Depends on the size of the piece, the lenght of the word, the style and the colors used. A quick "bombing"-sketch usually doesnt take more than 10 minutes, a detailed wildstyle can take several hours.
8. Who inspires your art? Who is your mentor?
I m inspired by several things, but not certain artists. To me, the artist is not as important as his work. I have deep respect for everyone who is able to get a picture out of his head into this world and inspire other people.
I dont have a mentor, but i love to have sessions with other writers (or any artists) to share ideas.

9. Why did you start your tutorials on youtube?
When i recorded the first "Graffiti Sketch Drawing" video, i was simply bored and thought it might look funny to see a timelapse of myself drawing a sketch. Had a unbelievable slow internet connection back then and absolutely no ideo that there where many videos like this on the web. Well, i wanted to get some feedback, so i created a channel and put it up.
All the kind words, suggestions, comments and messegas i got after that made me continue recording and uploading. Soon i got the first requests and i tried to do as mansy of them as possible. But there more i did, the more requests came in and i couldnt handle it anymore.
Meanwhile, i had gotten lots of messages with questions like "How do you..." or "Can you tell/show me...". I recorded a video with a little excercise for absolute beginners and it became one of my most watched ones. So i did another one...

10. What are your goals as a graffiti artist?
My goal as a writer was clear since i took my first close look at a real masterpiece. I stood there, staring at that beautiful painted wall and all i could say or think was "Wow... This is SO gorgeous!" Since that moment, my goal is to create artworks that maybe have a similar effect on others.
I want to create art that makes people stop, look closer and say "Wow!".
I want to leave impressions.
Screw fame, I just want to make people smile.
Cl.Sr's youtube channel can be found here....http://www.youtube.com/user/ChaosHirn
Notes from KeitaChan
I started off trying to learn more about graffiti art and the culture, but doing this interview.... I think I want to start doing it myself. I'm going to take Cl.Sr's advice and practice my butt off and share my art with anyone who wants to see it...
Stay tuned.....
P.S. As I go through my learning phases, I will go use Japanese titles. I'm a graffiti student, so I'll call myself KeitaChan. As I progress I will become Keita-San, and once I feel like I'm an expert, I will call myself KeitaSama. Then I may choose a street name for myself :)